TikTok Trend Alert: 'Hurkle-Durkling' Takes Center Stage - Should We All Be Jumping on the Bandwagon? Unraveling the Latest Internet Craze!

The term "hurkle-durkle" has gained traction on social media, particularly on TikTok. It originated from an old Scottish term that means "to lie in bed or lounge about when one should be up and about." The phrase's resurgence in popularity is attributed to a TikTok posted by actor Kira Kosarin on January 9, which has garnered nearly 4 million views. In the video, Kosarin defines the term and expresses her fondness for the morning ritual.

The term "hurkle-durkle" is not new, but it's reaching new audiences in 2024.

"Hurkle-durkle" appears to be reminiscent of another TikTok trend, known as "bed rotting," but with a more whimsical name. The practice involves staying in bed longer than usual, and mental health experts were consulted to provide insights on whether it is advisable.

The benefits of ‘hurkle-durkling’

Marisha Mathis, a licensed clinical social worker with Thriveworks in Raleigh, North Carolina, expressed her positive view of the "hurkle-durkle" concept. She sees it as a departure from the prevalent hustle culture that emphasizes maximizing every moment of the day. According to Mathis, prioritizing rest and having a slower start to the day can optimize time and mental health.

The "hurkle-durkle" lifestyle is viewed by Mathis as a healthy form of self-care, providing individuals with the space to think and exist without interruption or pressure. It allows for much-needed rest, a gentler pace, and a reset to approach the morning properly, according to Mathis.

The drawbacks of the trend

While adopting a hurkle-durkle lifestyle can have its benefits, it's important to be mindful of potential downsides. Marisha Mathis, a licensed clinical social worker, warns that if hurkle-durkling extends beyond a small portion of the morning and becomes a regular occurrence that interferes with responsibilities or leads to isolation, it could be a red flag for something more serious, such as depression.

Dr. Jessica Gold, an associate professor of psychiatry, also emphasizes that there may be a limit to hurkle-durkling, and it could become an avoidance mechanism or a sign of underlying issues, such as burnout. Using a playful term like "hurkle-durkle" might make it easier to overlook the reasons behind not wanting to get out of bed, especially if it becomes a frequent occurrence.

Gold underscores the importance of paying attention to the signals your body is sending and not mindlessly scrolling through your mental health, even though social media trends like hurkle-durkle may be entertaining.

What’s the right way to embrace the hurkle-durkle?

Hurkle-durkling can be a positive practice when done occasionally and with intention, maintaining a sense of balance. Dr. Jessica Gold suggests avoiding a punitive mentality and cultivating self-compassion, understanding that an extra 5-10 minutes in the morning can contribute to stress reduction rather than adding more stress.

Taking a mindful approach to hurkle-durkle moments involves setting boundaries, such as time limits and no interruptions, and truly enjoying the time for yourself. Marisha Mathis recommends using this time for relaxation, whether it's journaling, listening to music, or creating a calming environment.

It's essential to strike a balance and ensure that hurkle-durkling isn't used as an avoidance strategy for necessary tasks or conversations. Be mindful of any negative impacts and adjust the practice accordingly.

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