Winter Heating Wisdom: The 5 Absolute Don'ts - Discover What You Should Never, Ever Do With Your Heat During the Chilly Season!

During the winter, many people tend to hibernate indoors, making it a cozy yet potentially hazardous season for fires.

Winter is the season for coziness –– and fire and electrical hazards

Data from 2017 to 2019 revealed that heating fires in homes averaged around 34,200 reported incidents annually. Additionally, more than half of all home fires occur between December and March, according to the U.S. Fire Administration's national reporting system.

Despite the prevalence of these incidents, many of them could have been prevented. Fire safety and electrical experts have shared with HuffPost the major mistakes they urge people to avoid during the winter season.

Don’t put a space heater close to anything that could combust

In over 25% of the largest heating fires in residential buildings, the ignition point was the result of the heat source being in close proximity to flammable materials. Space heaters, in particular, are frequently identified as the cause.

Space heaters can give you much-needed warmth in winter, but they are a known fire hazard when left unattended.

To mitigate this risk, Susan McKelvey, the communication manager for the National Fire Protection Association, a nonprofit focused on fire safety education, advises keeping a space heater at a minimum distance of 3 to 5 feet from any furniture, drapery, or other items prone to combustion.

Don’t go a winter without checking on your carbon monoxide and smoke alarms

In numerous fires reported by the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), smoke alarms in buildings were either nonfunctional or had been disassembled when they were needed the most. The majority of home fires occur during the night, between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., when people are asleep.

To enhance safety, it's crucial to rely on alarms to remain vigilant for danger when you are not. Susan McKelvey, the communication manager for the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), emphasizes that smoke alarms are the first line of defense in a home fire.

The USFA recommends replacing smoke alarms every ten years and conducting monthly checks by pressing the alarm's test button. Ideally, homes should have multiple smoke alarms. Both the USFA and NFPA recommend having a smoke alarm in every bedroom, outside every sleeping area, and on every level of a home, including the basement.

As part of winter preparation, McKelvey suggests creating a plan for what to do if the smoke alarm activates. Establish a buddy system for the most vulnerable individuals in your home and designate an evacuation spot outside where everyone will meet.

She emphasizes, "If there are children in your home or someone who needs added assistance, determine who is the person who’s going to be responsible for helping each child or anyone who needs that assistance. Because in a fire situation, it’s too late to start figuring that out."

Don’t leave your heat sources unattended

A prevalent error is leaving anything prone to burning unattended, even if only for a short period. Susan McKelvey advises, "If you’re going to be using candles, make sure that you don’t leave the room when they’re in use."

Before you go to sleep, make sure to blow out your candles

McKelvey emphasizes not sleeping with lit candles or fireplace embers and stresses the importance of turning off space heaters when not at home or when asleep.

During winter, extended cooking projects on the stove may be tempting, but McKelvey warns against setting and forgetting. Walking away for a brief moment, thinking you'll return quickly, can lead to distractions and, eventually, a fire risk. McKelvey states, "You walk away for a moment thinking I’ll be right back, and then something else distracts you. And before you know it, you’re away longer than you planned. And that’s when things have happened."

Don’t go a winter without doing maintenance on your heating system

A commonly overlooked aspect is the maintenance of heating systems, as highlighted by Duane Enoch, owner of Green Air Concepts Heating and Air Conditioning in Ardmore, Pennsylvania.

Enoch emphasizes that many individuals assume they can simply turn on the thermostat each year without considering potential issues. Regular checks are essential to identify and address any underlying problems.

During a maintenance checkup, an expert typically examines the heating system, clears debris from the chimney base, cleans the flame sensor, ensures proper combustion, and verifies if flue gases are at the correct temperature, according to Enoch.

Don’t plug in more than what your wall outlet or electrical panel can handle

The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) recommends using a wall outlet only for portable electric heaters and cautions against using a power strip or extension cord.

Check your appliance's amperage before plugging it in to prevent your circuit from tripping

Certain manufacturers of portable electric heaters specifically advise plugging their devices into a dedicated wall outlet not shared with other appliances. This precaution is due to the higher risk of power cords overheating and causing fires, particularly in worst-case scenarios.

Ayrica Walker, a Baltimore-based electrician and owner of Hers Electric, explains that power strips may catch fire before reaching the outlet to trip the breakers. On the other hand, circuits on wall outlets are designed to trip and cut off power to prevent further overheating. Walker notes, “Nine times out of 10, if you see a spark or an arc or a fire starts, then the circuit that the wall outlet is connected to will trip.

It's also advisable not to plug multiple devices into a single power strip without considering the amperage or voltage requirements.

Ayrica Walker highlighted that one of the most common winter service calls she receives is from individuals who trip their circuits by plugging in a space heater. She provided an example of purchasing a 20-amp heater and connecting it to a 15-amp circuit already supporting multiple devices.

Duane Enoch added that it's essential to check the amperage of each appliance before plugging it in. Walker suggested consulting the spec sheet of appliances for their maximum amperage or voltage.

Alternatively, Walker recommended testing how many devices are connected to a specific part of the electrical panel before plugging in a space heater. By turning off a designated section, like the 'living room,' and observing which devices are affected, one can assess if adding a space heater would exceed the electrical capacity.

While these additional steps in heating maintenance may require some time and investment, they can ultimately be life-saving measures in the long run.

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