Morning Clues: Pillow Prints on Your Face - The Secret Signals Your Skin Reveals When You Wake Up. Decode the Messages!

If you've ever noticed waking up with more wrinkles than when you went to bed, you likely know about "pillow prints." These are also known as "sleep wrinkles" and "sleep creases." Witnessing them, especially before your morning coffee, can be alarming.


We consulted experts to understand the causes of pillow prints, whether they indicate a more serious issue, and ways to prevent them.

Why am I suddenly so wrinkly?

"Pillow lines are momentary wrinkles resulting from facial or body positioning during sleep, leading to uneven pressure and skin folding," explained Dr. Kristina Collins, a dermatologist.

"They result from repetitive pressure on the face," noted Dr. Teresa Song of Marmur Medical.

Certain sleeping positions, such as side or face-down sleeping, increase the likelihood of these creases. Dr. Collins added, "When consulting cosmetic patients, I can often determine their preferred sleeping side because aging is more advanced on that side."

Why does this happen? Dr. Song clarified, "Prolonged and repetitive pressure on the same facial areas may contribute to premature aging."

Aside from sleep position, other factors may contribute. Dr. Sonia Badreshia mentioned, "The natural aging process is a factor as our skin loses collagen and elasticity, becoming more prone to these creases."

Furthermore, the choice of bedding material can impact the development of pillow prints. Dr. Badreshia explained, "Rough fabrics may create more pronounced lines, whereas smoother materials like silk or satin are less likely to cause them."

It could be a sign of your skin’s health

"While pillow lines are transient, the consistent pressure on specific skin areas overnight can lead to a prolonged loss of collagen and elastic tissue, coupled with poor circulation in that region," explained Collins. "In many ways, our moms' advice to 'don't make that face or it might stay that way' holds true."

Pillow prints might serve as an indicator of your skin's deeper condition. Although the marks themselves are harmless, Badreshia pointed out, "The way your skin reacts to them can be a good indicator of its overall health and elasticity."

"If you observe that the lines are taking longer to fade, it could signal decreased skin elasticity, a normal part of aging," she said. "Monitoring how quickly your skin rebounds from these creases can offer insights into its condition."

Can you transition to being a back sleeper? It might be beneficial

"It's the best position for anti-aging, as when you lie on your back, you avoid direct contact between your skin and the pillow," explained dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner, an associate professor and the director of cosmetic and clinical research for dermatology at The Mount Sinai Hospital.

If that proves challenging, those who sleep on their side or face down should consider using pillowcases made from ultragentle fabrics, according to Dr. Zeichner. "Silk pillowcases, being composed of natural fibers, have minimal friction and offer breathability, making them an ideal material to combat sleep lines."

Making changes to your laundry routine might also help, suggested Dr. Zeichner. "It's advisable to wash your pillowcases with a fragrance-free, dye-free detergent. Fragrances and dyes are known culprits for skin allergies, especially when in prolonged contact, such as during sleep. Fabric conditioners can soften fabrics to reduce friction, but they too should be fragrance- and dye-free."

Ensure you attend to your skin throughout the day, and you may experience fewer imprints at night

If you're bothered by pillow prints, Badreshia suggests considering the broader context. "Maintaining good skin health through hydration, a balanced diet, and proper skincare routines can also help," she advised. "Well-hydrated and nourished skin tends to recover faster from these temporary creases."

Your nighttime skincare routine might benefit from adjustments as well. "Incorporating a good skincare routine, especially one with products promoting collagen production and skin elasticity, can be beneficial not only for reducing pillow prints but also for overall skin health," added Badreshia.

Zeichner concurred, recommending the application of moisturizer before bedtime. "It will help maintain a healthy skin barrier, as will collagen-stimulating ingredients like retinol or peptides, which keep the skin foundation strong and minimize wrinkling," he explained.

Staying adequately hydrated throughout the day is crucial. "If you're dehydrated, your skin won't bounce back as readily," noted Collins. "Maintaining sufficient hydration reduces the likelihood that pillow prints will set in."

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