Have you ever considered the direction your ceiling fan spins? Chances are, the thought hasn’t crossed your mind.
However, it’s something worth paying attention to, especially as the seasons change. Yes, this even applies during winter when you’re more likely to rely on space heaters and cozy blankets than a fan.
By setting your ceiling fan to spin in the right direction for each season, you can make your home feel warmer during winter and cooler in summer — and potentially save some money in the process.
Here’s what you should know:
In the winter, your ceiling fan should rotate clockwise, while in the summer, it should spin counter-clockwise.
Ceiling fans are highly effective at “managing air movement in a space,” explained Katie Whitaker, founder of the New York City-based home repair service Handyma’am. “It’s crucial to understand that fans don’t change the actual temperature in a room; instead, they circulate air in ways that affect how your body perceives the temperature.”
When a ceiling fan rotates counter-clockwise, it pushes air downward, creating a cooling effect. “On the other hand, when the fan spins clockwise, it pulls air upward, drawing the naturally rising warm air into the room,” Whitaker said. “In winter, this process helps enhance the distribution of warm air.”
Switching to a clockwise rotation in winter also eliminates the downward breeze typically felt when sitting near a fan, noted Gary McCoy, a store manager at Lowe’s Central Charlotte in North Carolina.
Keep your fan speed low during winter
The goal of using a ceiling fan in winter isn’t to make your space colder, so avoid running it on high.
“For optimal warming, set your fan to a low speed. This helps evenly distribute warm air while preventing cold spots,” McCoy explained in an email to HuffPost.
“You don’t want to feel a strong breeze,” Whitaker added. “What you need is gentle air circulation to encourage warmth.”
Changing your fan’s direction is simple
The method for adjusting your fan’s rotation depends on its model. If you have the installation manual, start there. If not, here are some expert tips:
“First, observe the fan’s current rotation,” McCoy said. “If you need to change it, turn the fan off and wait until the blades have completely stopped moving.”
“Most fans have a small switch located on the motor unit, just below the blades. Flipping this switch will reverse the rotation direction,” McCoy explained.
For newer fans, Whitaker noted, the rotation might be controlled by a remote. “Some fans have a hidden switch underneath a pull-down plate.”
If you know your fan’s make and model, searching online for instructions can also be helpful.
Save money by changing fan direction
Adjusting your fan’s direction can even lower your heating and cooling bills. Whitaker shared that some claim it can reduce costs by up to 15%, though the exact savings depend on various factors.
“It really varies based on your home’s insulation, the efficiency of your heating or cooling system, and other variables,” Whitaker said.
Even if the savings aren’t drastic, staying warmer during the chilly winter months is always a win.
Pro tip: Clean the fan blades first
Before adjusting your ceiling fan’s direction, give the blades a good cleaning. This prevents dust and allergens from circulating as you try to stay warm this winter.